Did you know that there is a place on Earth where bodies can remain intact for centuries? It’s as surprising as it is terrifying!

In the heart of the Andes, at more than 6,700 meters above sea level, Mount Llullaillaco holds a terrifying and fascinating secret. This volcano, one of the highest in the world, is home to an unprecedented archaeological find: the mummies of the Children of Llullaillaco. These human relics, more than 500 years old, are preserved in such an impeccable state that they seem to defy the laws of time.


In 1999, a team of archaeologists led by Johan Reinhard made the discovery after an arduous expedition in extreme conditions. Three bodies were found buried in an Inca sanctuary at the top of the volcano. These mummies, a boy and two girls, were offered in a ritual known as “capacocha”, a sacred act for the Incas that sought to connect with the gods and ensure the fertility of their lands.


What makes these mummies exceptionally unique is their near-perfect preservation. The sub-zero temperatures, low oxygen pressure and arid environment of Llullaillaco have preserved minute details: perfectly braided hair, colourful ceremonial clothing and even the facial expressions of the children. One body, nicknamed “The Maiden”, still bears traces of flowers in its hair, while “The Child” shows signs of having suffered during the ritual, with traces of dried blood on its lips.


Scientific analysis has revealed chilling details. Before their sacrifice, the children were consumed chicha (an alcoholic drink) and coca leaves, possibly to make them sleepy and prepare them for the ritual. The precision and respect with which they were buried reflect the importance of this act in Inca cosmology.

However, the find also raises troubling questions: How do these rituals link to the Inca concept of death and eternal life? Was this sacrifice an act of devotion or a tool of social control? And more importantly, what does this discovery tell us about our relationship with mortality?

The preservation of the bodies has not only allowed us to better understand Inca rituals, but also to reflect on how extreme conditions can turn nature into an ally of historical preservation.


Mount Llullaillaco is not only a testament to the power of nature, but also a window into the cultural and spiritual complexities of a civilization that, centuries after its peak, continues to speak to us from above.

Could this be the closest place to immortality on Earth? As science continues to unravel the secrets of these mummies, the mystery of Llullaillaco continues to fascinate the world.

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