Shocking: Singer Ciara suddenly reveals an untold secret!

Ciara appears in In Style magazine

The 33-year-old singer recently shared in an interview with In Style magazine (USA) that she and her husband decided not to have sex before marriage, and now both of them are grateful for their previous decision.

Ciara is currently happily married to football player Russell Wilson (30 years old). Before tying the knot in 2016, the couple had both experienced broken relationships. Ciara was previously in a relationship with rapper Nayvadious Wilburn and had a son. Wilson also experienced a broken marriage.

However, when the two started dating, they decided to test their relationship by not having sex to see how strong their relationship would be. Ciara confidently shared this story in In Style magazine.

The singer admitted that it was not easy to do this, but it all paid off with a happy marriage up to this point.

Both Ciara and Wilson know that their lives move at a fast pace and determining whether a relationship is truly deep, committed, and capable of leading to marriage is not easy.

Ciara appears in In Style magazine

The test was made by them to focus on building a foundation for a serious and lasting relationship. The couple started dating in early 2015, with Wilson being the first to share the special details of their relationship with the press:

“I shared with her and she completely agreed. I asked: Can we love each other without having sex? If we can love someone even without having sex, then we are truly in love.”

The couple got married in 2016 and shortly after, they had the good news. They now have a child together – a little girl named Sienna.

Ciara’s little family

Although they challenged each other quite a lot, Ciara also shared that she knew Wilson was her other half from the beginning: “We both felt it. We also have similar expectations for children, I want to have many children, because children make me young, dynamic, give me purpose in life, make life meaningful.”

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