Pregnant Brittany Mahomes shares sweet moments: Daughter helps make Halloween cookies, son plays with Mickey Mouse shirt

Brittany shares her 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren with husband Patrick Mahomes; she is now expecting her third 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥. Kids of Brittany Mahomes are enjoying some autumnal fun!

On Friday, October 4, the 29-year-old pregnant mother of two shared a number of adorable photos of her 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren, who she shares with her husband, Patrick Mahomes: 3-year-old Sterling Skye and 22-month-old Patrick “Bronze” Lavon Mahomes III.



imageBronze was sitting on a series of steps in what looked like a park playground when he suddenly grinned. The young 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 had on a cute Mickey Mouse T-shirt, brown shorts, black and white striped socks, and black Adidas sneakers for his outdoor outing.

“Big parker. Huge Mickey man,” Brittany annotated the picture.


imageBrittany Mahomes’ son Bronze as pictured in a photo posted by Brittany on her Instagram Stories on Oct. 4.

Brittany Mahomes/Instagram

After that, Brittany shared a humorous video of Sterling experimenting in the kitchen.

The youngster was shown in the video holding a bag of light peach frosting above a table full of cookies with a Halloween theme. She was dressed in a navy blue blouse and pink trousers.

The eerie snacks included pumpkin faces on them, and several were topped with sprinkles.

Brittany commented, “This girl loves baking,” and included a heart-eye emoji.


imageBrittany Mahomes’ daughter Sterling, as pictured in a boomerang clip posted by Brittany on her Instagram Stories on Oct. 4.

Brittany Mahomes/Instagram

Sterling had a packed schedule of events because Brittany had previously shared a picture of the young 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 smiling while sitting on a counter while decked out in her soccer gear.

In the photo, Sterling was decked up in shorts, knee-high shin guard-adorned socks, a blue T-shirt with the words “Kansas City” printed on it, and white sneakers.

In July, Brittany disclosed that her daughter had started soccer practice, much like her mother. (Brittany used to play forward for UMF Afturelding, an Icelandic club.)

In an Instagram Stories picture from July 25 that featured her daughter dressed in a sweet pink soccer uniform, she commented, “Sterling starts soccer tomorrow and she’s gonna be the brightest one out there, let me tell ya .”


imageimagePatrick, 29, and Brittany’s daughter starting soccer came shortly after the couple announced that they are expecting a third 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦.

in a joint Instagram post on July 12, they shared a Reel that featured them with their two kids while holding sonograms. “Round three, here we come 🤍,” the couple wrote in their caption.

The following week, Brittany and Patrick revealed they are having another little girl.

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