The Sphinx of Giza has long been an intriguing subject, woven into a labyrinth of tunnels and passages beneath the Giza Plateau, resembling an underground metropolis lost to the world due to a cover-up by the Egyptian authorities. Historians such as Malcolm Hutton and Gerry Cannon claim that the Sphinx, which rests on the sands of the Giza Plateau in front of the Great Pyramids, could be the gateway to a labyrinth of tunnels and passages and a whole “underground metropolis” that has been lost to the world due to a cover-up by the Egyptian authorities.
These historians explain in their forthcoming book “The Giza Plateau Secrets and a Second Sphinx Revealed” that news of this lost city first hit the headlines due to a Sunday Express article from March 1935 on excavations taking place around an underground city which at the time was said to date back 4,000 years.
The pair claims further that the report noted nothing more about this city was heard
It was as if every living Egyptologist had lost interest in this wondrous underground metropolis, for all their articles during the ensuing years are centered more on tombs of queens and shafts that had been sunk deep into the ground to burial tombs.
The historians believe a hole on the top of the head of the Sphinx could be an entrance to this lost city, along with other openings on the structure.
However, they claim to have come up against a “rose granite block wall” from the Egyptian authorities.
“There are things under there, tunnels. Lots of people have written about it but they try to cover it all up.”
“Nobody knows what’s under there, no one has been able to investigate.”
“They’re frightened that if they find stuff under there, it’s going to blow all their books and all their history out of the window.
“They started to investigate it but then they stopped. So they must have known there’s stuff there but they’re worried.”
In a further complication of the mystery surrounding the origin of the pyramids and Sphinx, the authors claim that the head of the Sphinx has been changed since it was first built, and that while the body is made out of limestone, the head is carved from a harder type of stone.
“It is obvious from the totally different construction material and color of the Sphinx head, which we believe is not rock, but some type of harder substance compared to its limestone body,” said a spokesman for the former minister of antiquities. However, the Egyptian authorities say it is not possible to investigate the claims as they say the chambers are either blocked up or full of water.